Loan Submission

Val-Chris Investments, Inc., a 50 year old widely recognized private lender in California. In business since 1975, Val-Chris has become the Go-To Hard Money lender in California. 

THE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS ...... We are an Equity Based Lender
This is very simple when we look at our past fundings by taking a minute to look at our borrowers. Everyone from A+ Prime borrowers to borrowers that do not even have a social security card and are completely foreign to the United States. By only keeping our eyes on the most important factor "Equity", we can be true to ourselves and call ourself a 
"True Equity Based Lender". We fund more units and volume according to publications like the Scotsman Guide whom again has us as the Number One Private Lender in the United States, though we only lend in California. We keep it simple and focus on closing the loan in the straightest line the fastest way possible. 

We Are Here To HELP YOU

Give us a ring to review your scenario and since we fund our own loans in our name, put docs out in our name, service the loans in-house, as well as, perform our own escrow in-house, we make it very easy for you to get fast answers with No Bait Switch Scenarios ever and we never have Upfront Fees. What you get Day 1 on Letterhead, is what funds. 

Send us a quick email or submission on the submission form below. 

Loan Submission Form  (editable PDF)
Loan Submission

Call Today 
(714) 421-4404
Loan Submission

Stated Loan 
Fabian Calderon Personal Office 7545 Irvine Center Drive Suite 200 Irvine CA 92618 I  BRE 01513720  I  NMLS 247235  I  (714) 421-4404 Direct
Operations - Main Office 2601 Main Street Suite 400 Irvine CA 92614 I 949 252-8020 x 35 I  fabian@val-chris.com