Loan Submission

Fabian Calderon Personal Office 7545 Irvine Center Drive Suite 200 Irvine CA 92618 I  BRE 01513720  I  NMLS 247235  I  (714) 421-4404 Direct
Operations - Main Office 2601 Main Street Suite 400 Irvine CA 92614 949 252-8020 x 35 I  fabian@val-chris.com

Call Today 
(714) 421-4404
The Correct Upfront Documentation List is Vital to Fund Quickly. 

We have put all the documents that we will need to fund your loan minus a few
pending items relating to either a refinance or purchase transaction to the right.  
These items will be asked for on the Documentation List to Fund. This list will be exactly 
what we will need to fund your loan, and it is given to you upfront.  It is very rare for us to 
condition last minute items unless our investors must see something specific but do not 
expect it, again as it is rare. 

By being able to foresee what we are going to fund gives us an advantage over other private or hard money lenders so we can determine rate, terms, and conditions upfront and rarely change them prior to signing. You will typically recieve everything you need Day 1 and will be asked for the same documents over the next few days until we get what is needed to get your loan documents out quickly and efficiently. 

The Secret to Funding at a Very High Level is Simple
This is very simple when you have the basic package in hand and are able to put such 
basic items into an LOS like Calyx or another LOS tool.  This will give you the ability to make on the cuff changes and show your client what he or she needs instantly and will provide the lender what is needed like a Perfect 1003 or a Fannie Mae 3.2 File.  Do not forget the credit if you have the ability to pull in your name or leave it to us and have the borrower sign the Borrower Authorization using the link to the right.  

These simple documents along with a Loan Submission Form will take you straight to the front of the line every time and get your approval on Letterhead with your Condition List to Fund, and your Val-Chris Pre-Disclosures Forms out to you and your client quckly to get your loan funded in days. 

We are Giving You the Keys to the Safe!
Single Doc Page Below

Single Documents Page - Link