We Have All Your Loan Products Here!
All Our Loan Products Are Based On The Smallest Condition Set and Fastest Direct Line To Funding Your Loan With The Least Effort.
We have developed a product set for every: Rehabber, Self-Employed Owner Occupied Borrower, Land Speculator, and Passive CashFlow Investor that may need financing.
Ou entire loan product set is based on the same fundamentals. How do we get the borrowers loan done the fastest? How do we fund using the least amount of documentation, usually a drivers license? How do we price it fairly taking into account the risk set?
These are the questions we ask ourselves across our Unique Loan Products.
One will see our difference with our One Time Condition List Upfront, Estimated Funding Date, and Lender Provided Pre-Disclosures, all Upfront Day 1 with your approval.
We do not spread this over days like other lenders, becuase we want to be done before most other lenders are just putting your 1st Condition/Needs List together.
THE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS ...... We are an Equity Based Lender
Being an equity based lender of 50 years gives us many advantages and these advantages are show in our product set of: Deferred Payment Loans, Rehab Loans, Commercial Loans, Residential Loans, and Entitled Land Loans. We fill the gap in the lending world and always produce the fastest and easiest results.
Let's get your next loan funded.